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Home / BUSINESS / FAM Holding P.S.C launches the AED 800 M Al Mahra Maldives Project

FAM Holding P.S.C launches the AED 800 M Al Mahra Maldives Project

In its first real estate expansionoutside the UAE

Dr. Faisal Ali Mousa: We strive to tap into Maldives

Dubai, the UAE, May the 1st, 2023: FAM Holding P.S.C Group, which is based in Dubai, announced the launching of “Al Mahra Maldives” Resort, its luxurious hotel residential project in the Maldives. The project, which will receive investments of about AED 800 million, is deemed one of the latest real estate development projects to be launched by the Group, and its first real estate expansion outside the UAE. 

This launching came on the margin of the 30th version of Arabian Travel Market 2023, which is being held in the Dubai World Trade Centre, from the (1st -4th) of May, 2023. 

Commenting on the new project, Dr. Faisal Ali Mousa, the Chairman of FAM Holding Group, said: “Through Al Mahra Maldives touristic resort project, FAM Holding Group aims to expand in the real estate investment outside the UAE for the first time, and strives to tap into the Maldives, particularly that this archipelago currently witnesses a remarkable growth, as it became the bucket list destination for many travel & tourism lovers all over the world, to bask in its pristine beaches, virgin nature, serene lifestyle, and smiling faces of the locals, a matter which makes it an ideal oasis for tranquility & relaxation”. 

Mousa noted that Al Mahra Maldives resort will be established on an island with an area of 100, 000 square meters, and will comprise 150 hotel units and chalets, including 100 floating villas. He added that each unit in the resort will include a private swimming pool. “The project will also comprise 40 beach villas, including 10 which will be earmarked for VIPs, as well as 3 restaurants, one spa, and gym. Moreover, the resort will feature all aquatics”, Mousa advised.   

“The Maldives was selected, as it is a global touristic destination that the people of Arabian Gulf, Asians and Europeans visit. Moreover, the majority of famous trademarks and big touristic companies have a presence there, not to mention the fact that the UAE is one of the biggest Middle Eastern investors in the Maldives, and its investments there cover many sectors, particularly tourism & transportation”, Mousa explained.  

He underlined the fact that the Maldives offers unprecedented investment facilitations and incentives for easing the business doing, a matter that stimulates the flow of touristic investments on continuous bases. Mousa also indicated that the rise in touristic flow to the Maldives encourages the launching of new touristic projects to exploit the huge demand. 

 “The building works in Al Mahra Maldives will kick off after 3 months and will continue for two years and half, while the finishing of works and handing over the project are scheduled for the mid of 2025”, Mousa told.

 “FAM Holding Group decided that the US $ will be the currency of payment for buying in Al Mahra Maldives, as the project will be marketed on a global scale, including the UAE, and there will be marketers for the project in Europe, Asia, China, India, Russia, and the USA, this is why the US $ was chosen as the settlement currency. 

 “The new project will attract tourist from all over the world, and will contribute to integration with the other projects of FAM Holding Group inside and outside the UAE”, Mousa added. 

“The project is deemed the extension of the trademark, Al Mahra, which is owned by the Group, and it’s expected to be launched in other countries, as Al Mahra Resort in Al Marjan Island, Ras Al Khaimah met a huge success. This is why the Group aims that this Resort be a global touristic trademark, which is spread inside and outside the UAE”, Mousa noted. 

He expected that the Group will launch other projects soon, one of them in an Arab Gulf country, while another on in an African country. Mousa stated that these projects will not be announced before obtaining all the needed approvals. 

“We look for the global markets, as the status of FAM Holding was converted from L.L.C into P.S.C. The Company strives to open new markets besides the UAE one in Africa, East of Asia, and the Arabian Gulf”, Mousa concluded. 

FAM Holding is one fastest growing real estate development companies in the UAE, and it focuses upon the development of qualitative properties against affordable prices to target the middle-income categories, with payment facilitations up to 6-10 years, a matter which enabled the Company to attract a wide base of local and expatriate investors who wish to tap into the qualitative opportunities offered by the real estate sector.   

The Group seeks to upgrade its activities and operations in a manner which strengthens its role in supporting the march of economic development in the UAE, and increases the sources of its income. In the context of its long-term strategy, the Group plans to expand in several markets in the region.


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About FAM Holding Group:

FAM Holding is a national group which was established in 2005 by Dr. Faisal Ali Mousa Al Naqbi. Now after more than decade since its establishment, FAM Holding is deemed one of the most prominent national groups in the UAE markets. 

The Group adopts the policy of investment distribution, as it invests in more than one country, to achieve continuity and equilibrium in both local and foreign markets.  

FAM Holding invests in 5 main industries, as the real estate development is the most significant among them, while the other four are: contracts, chemical industries, movie production, and IT.

Today, and after 16 years of growth, FAM Holding goes in steady steps toward more successes, and expand in its investments in a manner which matches its futuristic outlook. 

About Adel

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