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Eat Better and Live Better with Eataly




Eataly is all about eating well, understanding the provenance of ingredients and making tasty, simple food out of the best produce. With these core values at heart, the restaurant’s focus for October will be Eat Better, Live Better.

Products, from Il Pane di Anna gluten-free bread mix to Venchi Chocolight Chocolate, will be available in store; dishes including Insalata di Quinoa e Tonno, quinoa and fresh-grilled tuna and Filetto di Orata, steamed sea bream fillet with cherry tomatoes and black olive will be available in the restaurant and Laura Holland, from BeU Lifestyle and Nutrition will hold two classes on how to use good food as medicine for your body.

Laura’s workshops, which will be held in the verdure section of the restaurant will teach participants to create balance and wellness by eating natural, quality foods.

Price: Dishes vary in price. The nutritionist workshop is free to attend

Dates and times: Eat Better, Live Better runs from 5th October to 4th November, the two workshops with Laura Holland will take place on 18th October at 11amand 21st October at 11am. The maximum capacity of these workshops is 15 people so booking is required by calling Eataly direct.

Venues address: Lower Ground Floor, The Dubai Mall www.eataly.ae

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