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Trimble unites construction businesses and industry leaders in Dubai for Tekla Users Day 2023, highlights latest construction technology solutions

Trimble unites construction businesses and industry leaders in Dubai for Tekla Users Day 2023, highlights latest construction technology solutions 


  • Industry reports state that construction technology adoption surpassed 50 per cent in 2022

  • Trimble also announced winners of Tekla BIM Awards at TUD 2023

October 10, 2023

Trimble (NASDAQ: TRMB), a leader in construction technology, united companies and industry leaders to discuss the latest insights and trends in construction software technology solutions at their recent Tekla Users Day 2023 Middle East event, which took place on October 4 and 5, 2023, Dubai. Technical experts, engineers, and developers from several companies learnt about the newest Tekla innovations and tools, networked with other Tekla users in the Middle East, and exchanged disruptive ideas The event was a success and another milestone in the company’s mission of encouraging businesses to adopt cutting-edge technology and facilitating strategic discussions on the industry’s future.  

Tekla User Day (TUD) is an annual premier event that honours the community of Trimble’s Tekla users, professionals, and innovators, providing an excellent setting for exploring advanced structural design and Building Information Modelling (BIM) solutions in greater detail. With numerous categories and sessions that included talks, live Q&As, chats, polls, and other brainstorming sessions, the two-day conference highlighted a range of ground-breaking trends and ideas. 

Paul Wallett, the Regional Director of Trimble Solutions Middle East and India, said: “Technology adoption is crucial, but it may not be relatively easy as it requires users to learn and comprehend how those technologies work to address specific problems and utilise them accurately for major projects in the region. We believe technology makes it possible for construction teams to make effective changes in the project and assess the effects of those changes in real-time to make economic decisions.  They also allow for the early detection of potential errors that may affect the project, making it critical for businesses to learn about these new and developing technologies through forums or events, such as our Tekla Users Day.”

The adoption of advanced technology in the construction industry necessitates the development of skills, knowledge, training, as well as a dedicated R&D budget to explore potential solutions. These technologies empower construction teams to simulate project changes in real-time, enabling cost-effective decision-making and early error detection. Staying informed about emerging technologies is thus crucial for businesses, and Trimble, as a solutions provider, hopes to play an important role in driving this awareness.

“In 2022, technology adoption in the construction industry surpassed 50 per cent for the first time, according to reports in the PwC Middle East CP&I survey. Our Tekla Users Day underscores the industry’s commitment to staying at the forefront of technology and innovation and stands out as one of the key events in the region as companies continue to learn new aspects about the technology,” Paul added.

Trimble also took upon the opportunity to announce the winners of its Tekla BIM Awards 2023 which focused on honouring construction industry players and mega projects in the Middle East. The winners included Oman Botanic Garden- AIC Steel for the Public Vote, The King Abdullah International Gardens – KAIGAIC Steel for Public Projects, The Coastal Village Residential – Red Sea Global – Group AMANA for Commercial projects, Assuit Turbine Pedestal Foundation PGESCO for Industrial projects, The Move – North Beach Crescent – Steel Bridge – Zamil Steel – Cairo Office for Infrastructure Projects and Masdar HQ Building – Ramboll Engineers Co. for Small Projects, respectively.  

By promoting active dialogue with regard to the latest and emerging trends in the industry, Trimble paves the way for a connected, better-informed market that can take advantage of advanced technologies to fuel growth. With a strong focus on delivering efficient construction technology solutions, Trimble hopes to educate and attract new businesses that are prepared to take advantage of new technologies. 


About Adel

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